Learn tarot

Tarot spread cloth – tarot mat for for learning tarot – set of two tarot mats – 38 $ free shipping


Tarot cloth, Tarot spread cloth, Tarot mat, Tarot spread, Fortune telling, two tarot spreads for learning, divination tool, tarot reading

Tarot spread cloth, tarot mats – two basic tarot spreads will help you learn how to read any type of cards and tell future if you are a beginner.
• Two basic spreads, one universal called Celtic Cross which is suitable for all types of questions.
• The other one is made specially for the questions about love and everything related to love.
• They are both white, made of cotton.

• What makes them so great for beginners is that they are very practical, they instruct you precisely where you have to put the cards and in what order and what is the relevance of each position in a spread.
•The text is written in English.

• Dimensions are • Celtic Cross 21 x 16 inches (54 cm x 41 cm)
• Love 20 x 15 inches (51 x 38 cm.)

• Unique items

Note : decorative candle and tarot cards are not part of the offer.

The offer  includes two tarot mats. The price for the set is 38 $ – free worldwide shipping with tracking.



Do you want to start your own tarot business and work from home and on your own terms ? I will tell you everything you need to know about this business

Tarot cloth, Tarot spread cloth, Tarot mat, Tarot spread, Fortune telling, two tarot spreads for learning, divination tool, tarot reading 4

You want to start your own tarot business ? Work from home and on your own terms or you simply want to have a second income ? Maybe you have already started but you are not getting results you wanted ?

My special  service will provide you with answers on you most important questions and everything you need to know about this business. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

I have been working as a full time tarot reader both in Europe and internationally for over 18 years and I will give you straight and honest information about this business and everything you will encounter being a tarot reader – from making decisions about your prices and offer, possibilities for growing your business to the strange requests from clients and how to handle negative reviews.

I will tell you how I started my business and got my first clients ( off Etsy ) and share with you this very important key step that is crucial for your business.

It is my source of new clients and income to this day and it will be very important and valuable for you business, too. Not many tarot readers make use of that option. And it is free !

I will inform you about the type of clients you can expect, how to spot a difficult and tricky client from the start and types of problems that can occur in this business.

You will also receive information how you can help and make a positive change in the life of your clients and  about problems you may encounter as a beginner.

You will learn how to protect and preserve your own energy while working with clients.

You will definitely not find this type of information anywhere else !

You always wanted to ask a professional tarot reader questions about the tarot business ? Now you have a chance ! DETAILS ABOUT THIS SERVICE

Tarot cloth, Tarot spread cloth, Tarot mat, Tarot spread, Fortune telling, two tarot spreads for learning, divination tool, tarot reading 2